Day 5

Did you start at the beginning of the trip?

Didn't get up as early as I was hoping today, that bike ride really sapped the energy out of me. But I still had plenty of time to get to Moab while it was still light out, and perhaps even go on a short trail until I hit the perfect traffic jam going through the mountains. Not once, but two times all the traffic ground to a halt and took several hours combined to get back up to speed. So much for hitting Moab during the daylight hours as I rolled into town just after sunset.

I have to say though, that Moab is a happening place. Coming into town I saw a bunch of rock crawlers, buggies and other 4x4 equipment all getting strapped to trailers after hitting the trails. Then, going through town I lost count of the number of mountain bike shops somewhere around ten, which just so happens to be the same time I lost count of the number of bars with a decidedly younger crowd hanging out to start drinking.

I ended up crashing at the hostel in town, which, for the first hostel I've ever been to, was a much better experience that they show in the movies... All I saw where a bunch of twenty something dope heads that just wanted to tell stories of the sick trails or tricks they could pull and drink beers. And since I was upwind, it was a good time had by all. (Note to self: These kids must have spent all there cash on good bike equipment because their weed was some really foul smelling stuff.) They recommended that I try out 'Klondike' trail and take 'Baby Steps' sub trail.

Right about then it was about time to call the folks and figure out what the cryptic message about the space station and shuttle was about. Turns out, you could see them both (now separated) from most parts in the US. Just as Dad is looking up what time to see them in Moab and determines that we've missed it, I spot them appearing just above the mountains and follow them as they disappear overhead. A good end to the day and I head to bed as I'm planning to get up around 5:30 to see the sunrise on the trail tomorrow.

Day5 Distance: 424, Elevation: 3983 -> 11037

Continue the Trip.

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