Beard update:

Here's a late breaking news story on the recent modification of my beard... The beard was last seen before the Africa ball, and has since been missing. If you happen to find it, or have any information leading to it's capture there is a cash reward available. It has been approximately eight years since this portion of my mug has been reviled to the public. For obviously reasons. (*Smacks his lower lip onto his upper* "It feels so weird...")

In related news this man was seen dancing all night with this pretty lady. This is a crime in forty-eight states. Good thing he was in Alaska. Swing, Cha-Cha, Rock, and slow dancing was seen in varying quality and quantity; but oddly enough both parties appeared to be enjoying themselves. Only you can prevent this kind of mayhem from happening again. Should you choose to accept this mission, you will be required to drive/fly/swim/crawl to Alaska and witness the sights for yourself. They are truly breath taking, in more ways than one... ;-)

This message will remain on your computer until you clear your cache... and then it will self destruct.


Anonymous said...

Be on the lookout for things such as a trail of popcorn, nuts, loose change, and small woodland creatures... as these may be clues to the whereabouts of the missing beard.

MaryLou said...

Golly gee! Look at that disco man! Its creepy how much you look like you don't belong in this decade...