Panorama Point Nebraska

Ok, I thought I'd already posted this picture, but apparently not...
It's from a little while back (2005) when I was still living in Nebraska
and went to visit the highest point in Nebraska: Panorama Point at
5429ft (1655m), just over a mile high... Take that Denver!

Oh, right, forgot to mention I'm planning a road trip for the summer:
Alaska -> Nebraska... Sound familiar? I know, I know, I did the reverse
a few years ago... At least this time I'll have some company, so it
should be even better!


Unknown said...

Not many people can successfully climb the highest point in a State! I see it caused you some effort to make to the top, too!

AK in Indo said...

It looks a little more noticeable than the highest point in Iowa, which I drove by and didn't see the slightest bit of difference. haha!

Next stop, Denali?

schif said...

what no panorama picture?

Paul said...

Leave it to Schiff to point out the obvious...