Ok, we're going to try this blog thing mostly for the trips that I go on to update my somewhat lacking front page. The big trips scheduled right now are to Belize in January '07, and Alaska later on in '07. If you're lucky this page might also include rants from the day... but I wouldn't get used to those.
Now all I have to figure out is how to get this to publish to my web page... should be easy right?

Edit 1: So, I was looking through the help, and I found that the 'address' for blogs is permanent (which on the one hand is kinda nice) kinda sucks... know why? 'cause someone has the address that I want to use and they only have one post. Yes, I only have one post, but theirs is from 2004 see the issue? I thought you would.

Edit 2: The easy part... uh-hu... right... Since blogger is in beta, they don't offer the ftp/sftp to an external webpage currently. Wonderful. I guess I have to wait until later to fix this up good. Add another 'To-do' item to the list... Oh good, I lost the list! Nothing to do here... move along.. move along.

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