Far North BMX

I've been attending (and raced once) the Far North BMX race track over
the last few weeks. It's a fairly well maintained track that the kids
of Fairbanks can race around in a constructive manor. But what was
really fun was to take photos of the races. I took over six hundred
photos in the one hour the races lasted. I think there were about nine
moto's, and I'm not sure how many riders there were, but needless to
say, the little buffer on my camera got quite the workout, and even was
full for a few of the shots... Too bad too, because I know that I missed
a few good shots while it was churning away.

The class that I raced in (the one time) was the cruiser class... for
non-BMX bikes... but it was a nice change of pace from the downhill
mountain biking that I usually do. Now, this doesn't mean that I was
any good at it, just that it was fun to try once. ;-) What was really
nice was I didn't gash my leg open, or break any bones... or worse...
What's worse? I dono, but it didn't happen to me on this course.

Not that the page is all that exciting, but here is a link to the ABA site that tells you about the track in Fairbanks.
Russ (the guy that runs the track) is a good friend of mine that goes to
my church as well... Zion Fairbanks.


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