Tree Fern

I can't help it when I look around PNG but think if Jurassic Park. No,
really, everything reminds me of that movie. The harsh landscapes, the
large leafed banana trees, and these things that are called tree ferns.
They have this ancient look about them so you expect a Tyrannosaur to
just walk past at any time. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm quite happy
that there are no such creatures walking around that might take a bite
out of me.

These tree ferns have a very interesting reaction when you break off or
cut down a branch: they bleed. The sap that starts coming out of them
is very thick and gelatinous. It's really pretty strange to see a tree
have this much of a reaction, but it does make a good picture.

1 comment:

AK in Indo said...

Yes, they do.

I think I've maybe seen these in Hawaii. I thought they were awesome!