
What do you do on a rain day? Well, find projects. That's what we did
today and the result was two ladders for the bunk beds. I wanted
something that was really strong, but light. Jeff found some crazy hard
wood for the ladder, and Boaz showed me how to tie the conda vine, which
I never really got the hang of... That's fine with me though because
I'd rather take pictures of him doing it.

We've had over 600mm (23.5 inches) of rain in the 15 days that I've been
here at Kaiam. Not very productive as far as dirt work is concerned,
but it keeps our water tank full... or rather overflowing.


Unknown said...

I think this is a really cool picture. I like the leading line and the contrast of colors. Neat. Oh, the 4-H club is taking rope, making knots. Do you suppose you could teach them this? - Mom

Anonymous said...

I like that you guys used bush materials instead of chainsawn... and the Kanda instead of the nails which would have split the ends... way to be thinking ahead of the curve! Any thoughts about a rack of shelves built into the corner just to your right there, in the space between the bunks and the wall? You could probably block in the frame for it now and wait on Kepson and the Chainsaw Miracle, whichever comes first, to attain the slabbery needed. -- Anton