Sac-sac and fish

Well, it may not look too appealing, but it was actually pretty good.
Sac-sac (I'm not sure how it's spelled, but that's what it sounds like)
is one of the staple foods here and it's made from the mashed, washed
insides of the Sago tree. It's a very strange powder when it's "dry"
because it's a lot like corn meal as it will hold a shape and can be
packed together fairly well. As soon as it gets a little wet though it
becomes very runny. The way you cook it is quite complex: take a
handful of sac-sac and place it in a frying pan over the fire and squish
it into the pan... flip when ready. It becomes the only food (that I'm
aware of) that is both sticky and crumbly... I know, I didn't think that
was possible either! When it's well cooked it becomes translucent and
sticky, like those sticky hand things you get in the $0.50 eggs at the
supermarket. We had some the other night that was cooked inside bamboo
and it was nearly all translucent... yummy translucent worms... As far
as taste, well it doesn't really have any, but I had to drink about a
liter of water for the amount of sac-sac you see here in this photo, so
I guess it's a great food to eat to keep from getting dehydrated! It's
actually pretty tasty with a good layer of salt. As they say: more salt
to make it sweet... well, at least they say that here... lol

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