Bow Fishing Trip to Calamus

Well, we figured it would be late enough in the season for the carp would be rafting all over the place. We were wrong.

The trip up there went smoothly, and as always, the Manning's were very hospitable feeding and housing my brother and myself. I suppose it has something to do with us bringing there son back to them. When we finally got ourselves up on Saturday and got the boat launched, we were expecting the carp to be quite oblivious to our existence. What we found instead were very few carp in the deep shoreline making for some very difficult shots. The first day we all got a fish, but it wasn't easy to sneak up on them at all. Hopefully when Manning and Knudsen go back next week the water will be warmed up for the carp to be spawning and a massacrer will occur.

Even though the fish weren't easy to find, it was a good weekend with some excellent weather. I've uploaded more GPS maps so you can see where the fishing was good.

Oh, and Scott is G... Hey, I'm just repeating what I read.

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