Wow, Grand Teton National Park is quite amazing. The trail system offers some great views of the mountains, and there were all kinds of swallowtail butterfly's to be seen hiking around the park. I did a quick three miles around String Lake. The original plan was to spend some time around Jenny Lake, but that must have been the hot spot today as there were people absolutely everywhere and there wasn't a parking spot to be found. But as it turns out, I think String Lake was a much better, and somewhat shorter, route to take.
Then it was on to Yellowstone. However, the recommendation from this side of the keyboard leans heavily toward the Teton's as it was a much more impressive park. Oh sure, Yellowstone has got some really unique things, such as the mud pots, but for
After that, I drove down the WRC style gravel road that goes out of the park to Cody, Wyoming. It's probably a good thing I was following another car because I might have died going down the rather sudden drop off.
In Cody, I spent a couple days with Glen, and he showed me all the expensive toys he works with everyday. He sells GPS equipment for use in surveying. You know, the sub-one centimeter equipment. He had some older stuff like a robotic total station. Yeah, he things that stuff is old equipment.
Tomorrow looks like a good day to head toward Glacier, but I'll go through Yellowstone again and take the northerly route. I've heard good things about Glacier NP, so I'm hoping it isn't going to be all hyped up beyond what it can deliver, but here's hoping it won't disappoint.
Day7 Distance: 195, Elevation: 4997 -> 8652
Day8 He rested... or learned about GPS...
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