Day 9

What's a story of you don't hear it all?

Well, I changed my mind. Easy to do when you're the only one it really affects. It was recommended to me that I take the scenic Bear's Tooth Pass. I was not disappointed. There isn't much to say about it other than that. This stretch of road is a must drive. Everyone needs to get their hands on some snow in late June.

After going through the pass, there were some sheep on the side hill below the road. I saw them, but they were so far away even with my camera they would have just been white dots, so I didn't bother taking any photos of them, the lake on the other side of the road seemed much more worthwhile at the time. But there were several people taking pictures. The one that stood out the most was a motorcyclist that was walking down the tundra to get an at level shot of them. If I felt adventurous that would have been the place to be to get the best shots of them, but the sun was at their backs, so even then I'd have been at a loss for a quality photo.
A little later, I pulled off to take a look at the scenic overlook and guess who shows up to talk cameras, the motorcyclist. He has the same camera that I have, but instead of going for the 17-85mm IS lens, he went for the 70-300mm IS lens, the exact lens that I am looking at for my next upgrade. From the shots he had of those sheep, it looks like it is perfect for those wildlife photos.

After driving through more of Montana and seeing quite a few deer (which unlike Nebraska deer are found only one at a time) and a turkey (not the brotherly kind), it felt like time for bed, but I figured I could make it to Butte on this tank so I'd look for one of the camp sites on the map just north of Butte. Little did I know that the junction from I-90 West to I-15 North has no services along it. Rather than turning around in the median and with the low fuel light staring me in the face, I had to cross the Continental Divide again before turning around and driving back into Butte to fill up. Let's try not to do that again.

The camp site I chose was a blissful seven mile drive down a rough back woods logging road in the dead of night. Perfect hack and slash movie material really. But the campground was only five bucks for the night so I was sold.

All said and done, lots of miles with plenty to see all day.

Day9 Distance: 365, Elevation 3609 -> 11004

Insert Quarter to continue...

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